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The Great Digital Divide

Posted by Karen on Jun 26, 2014 12:00:00 AM

Years ago politicians were concerned with the rich/poor divide in their countries as well as globally, however as technology advanced they became more concerned with what has now been termed the ‘digital divide’. The digital divide is nothing new – in fact scholars have been writing about it ever since the Internet became accessible to a large proportion of the global population. However, the...

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Fluidata to deliver superfast UK broadband projects

Posted by Karen on Jun 20, 2014 12:00:00 AM

Fluidata in collaboration with ITS Technology Group, who builds next generation infrastructures, is pioneering a new project to re-use exiting fibre ducts in the Hammersmith and Fulham areas to provide an extremely cost effective wholesale fibre network. The project will be supported by Fluidata’s Queen’s innovation award winning Service Exchange Platform (SEP). The SEP aggregates market demand...

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Broadband Providers facing Investigations

Posted by Karen on Jun 17, 2014 12:00:00 AM

The American Federal Communications Commission (FCC) hasn’t been able to avoid the headlines recently as they have been attacked left, right and centre for their policies. Just a few weeks ago Fluidata published a news story discussing how the FCC were being vilified for suggesting that there should be a ‘two-tiered’ Internet system, and now it seems that they are once again under the microscope...

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World Cup technology and what the tournament might mean for your network

Posted by Karen on Jun 13, 2014 12:00:00 AM

The introduction of a goal-line decision system has hogged all the headlines about technology in this year’s tournament, but it’s just one of many technologies making their world cup debut. Of course it’s a rather belated entrance for goal line technology, which has been used in various forms across other sports for many years, so we’re not really hailing a new innovation here, more celebrating...

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Governments vs. Hackers

Posted by Karen on Jun 12, 2014 12:00:00 AM

Just last week Fluidata reported on the GameOver Zeus botnet which had been compromised by the American National Security Agency (NSA) and the FBI. However, even though these government bodies were able to stop this dangerous piece of malware, they admitted that after just two weeks they would likely lose control over it again. This is why so many governments are bringing in harsher punishments...

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9 Days to prevent Malware Attacks

Posted by Karen on Jun 6, 2014 12:00:00 AM

The battle between government bodies and cybercriminals is impossible for either side to win, as even though cybercriminals are regularly caught and prosecuted it is impossible to prevent future attacks and new groups forming. One of the biggest problems government bodies are facing when trying to ‘police’ the Internet (if policing it is even possible) is the fact that cybercriminal groups are...

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Can you delete your Online History?

Posted by Karen on May 28, 2014 12:00:00 AM

Oscar Wilde once stated “no man is rich enough to buy back his past” and as more and more data is being stored and shared online this is becoming increasingly true. However, a controversial privacy case at the European Court of Justice on 13th of May could change the future of online privacy. For the first time ever, search engine giant Google was required to remove a result from their Search...

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eBay Cyberattack sparks debate over Data Security

Posted by Karen on May 22, 2014 12:00:00 AM

Over the past few months the online community has been rocked by numerous cyberattacks leading to a substantial amount of personal information being accessed. Just one month ago we were faced with the issue of the Heartbleed bug which supplied hackers with personal information from some of the biggest sites in the world including Mumsnet and the Canada Revenue Agency. Now, the online auction...

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What part do you play in the Internet of Things?

Posted by Karen on May 20, 2014 12:00:00 AM

In the technology industry we often come across a number of buzzwords, however there is one that is becoming increasingly prominent: the ‘Internet of things’. As we all know, the world is becoming ever more connected, which means that it is very unlikely that you are ever a few metres away from a device that enables you to connect to the Internet. However, what if this went one step further? What...

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The Growing Issue of Net Neutrality

Posted by Karen on May 16, 2014 12:00:00 AM

When it comes to the regulation of the Internet there are usually extremely passionate debates, as many believe that the Internet should be left free and open to all users. This is why a recent proposal by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to create what is being called a ‘two tiered Internet’ has already led to a number of major players in the online industry – including Google,...

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