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Blackberry Outage

Posted by Karen on Oct 11, 2011 12:00:00 AM

Millions of Blackberry owners across Europe, the Middle East and Africa have been left without services following a large server crash yesterday. The problem appears to have originated in a datacentre in Slough which handles Blackberry services for the affected regions. Unlike other smartphone services, BlackBerry phones rely on a centralised internet service provided by RIM - making it...

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Businesses suffer internet loss during the day

Posted by Karen on Oct 4, 2011 12:00:00 AM

According to reports yesterday over 5% (275,000) BT customers lost connectivity due to a power failure at a major BT exchange in the Birmingham area. Connections started to drop 13:00 and most residential customers began to see their services logging back on 15:00 onwards. However surprisingly it was business connections with higher SLAs and uptime assurances that had to wait even longer for...

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Is a WAN a fit with your business or are you forcing your business to fit in with your WAN?

Posted by Karen on Oct 3, 2011 12:00:00 AM

Trends are prevalent in all industries, not least in IT where technology is perpetually subject to change and innovation. One of the trends we’ve witnessed over the last decade is the Managed WAN. WAN being an organisation’s Wider Area Network i.e allowing multiple users in multiple locations to communicate as if all part of one network. The WAN Network, particularly as it expands, taking on more...

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Fluidata gets Tech Track 2011

Posted by Karen on Sep 19, 2011 12:00:00 AM

Fluidata has been awarded 70th place in the 2011 Sunday Times Tech Track. The league table rates Britains top 100 tech companies in growth over the past 3-years. The award dinner takes place in November but the supplement was out in yesterdays Sunday Times. Included in the list were a number of Fluidata's customers and suppliers, showing that telecoms is one of the growing sectors in technology...

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Broadband used to regulate heart beat

Posted by Karen on Sep 14, 2011 12:00:00 AM

The internet is harnessed for variety of purposes these days from surfing the web to CCTV and voice and video conferencing. News this week is that it’s now being used to monitor a remote controlled heart! Fire fighter Michael DiBernado suffers from an irregular heart beat and has recently been fitted with a device which monitors it’s pulse and sends results to his consultant over the internet....

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Mobile internet is growing, but why are we all not online?

Posted by Karen on Sep 13, 2011 12:00:00 AM

A recent survey of internet access from the office of national statistics, has shown significant increases in internet usage within the UK. It’s calculated that 41.26 million UK adults use the internet, with the largest growth deriving from the 16-25 age group. Most prolific growth has been witnessed in mobile phone internet usage, an increase in 15% since 2010 means this medium now accounts for...

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Web anonymity, scourge of the internet or godsend?

Posted by Karen on Sep 2, 2011 12:00:00 AM

The case for anonymity on the world wide web has been brought to the fore again these past few weeks, following comments from Google’s head honcho Eric Schmidt at Edinburgh’s International Television Festival. “The internet would be better if we had an accurate notion that you were a real person as opposed to a dog, or a fake person, or a spammer.” I am split on whether anonymity is right or...

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Could graphene take the internet speeds to hyper speed?

Posted by Karen on Sep 1, 2011 12:00:00 AM

Scientists at Cambridge and Manchester University have found ways to use graphene to enhance internet speeds by up to hundred times the speed we currently consider ‘superfast’ broadband. Graphene is quickly becoming the ‘darling’ of the technological research and has further enhanced its reputation of being the material of the 21 st century by adding ‘connectivity’ to its already sterling...

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Riots spur companies to review disaster recovery

Posted by Karen on Aug 25, 2011 12:00:00 AM

Two weeks ago, with the skyline of London and other cities across the UK slowly filling with the black smoke of burning cars and buildings, many were speculating about how much damage the riots would cause - both economically and socially. We often think about the immediate effects of the damage, i.e. loss of destroyed or looted stock, reduction in trading hours, but it seems that some of our...

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Drinks on Fluidata - THURST

Posted by Karen on Aug 24, 2011 12:00:00 AM

Fluidata will be organising drinks for our customers on the last Thursday of each month. Please do pop along, to a bar somewhere in London ( contact your account manager from more details) for some free beer/wine/soft drinks, or whatever shall take your fancy, and a spot of conversation with Fluidata and your peers from within the IT industry. Do let us know whether you’d be keen on attending,...

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