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The Importance of positive cash flow and balancing this with day to day business

Posted by Karen on Jul 8, 2011 12:00:00 AM

Many businesses in modern economies today are running on very tight cash flows, where they tend to wait for debtors to pay them before they can release funds to their suppliers. In these instances, overdrafts, bank loans and further capital investment in the business are essential to maintain cash flow which can put a company in danger of over leveraging its balance sheet. The more the economy...

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Life, liberty and the pursuit of bandwidth

Posted by Karen on Jul 6, 2011 12:00:00 AM

Ok, so I stole the title from an unrelated blog I read the other day; I thought it was rather funny, as well as apt for what I want to discuss. Over the last two decades the world has been gripped by the internet revolution. I would argue it’s become more disruptive in international development than the combustion engine, as in such a short period of time, at ever increasing pace, it’s changing...

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Mobile providers join forces to create joint platform for “Wave to Pay” technology

Posted by Karen on Jul 4, 2011 12:00:00 AM

Over the next few years we may well be paying for our goods by using our mobile phone. This is a concept that has been around for a while, and now looks as though it’s finally happening. Over the last fortnight Orange/ T-Mobile , Vodafone and O2 have agreed to create a single platform to support mobile transactions. This step brings the whole concept closer to market realisation - as retailers...

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With technology moving so quickly, how possible is it to future proof yourself?

Posted by Karen on Jul 1, 2011 12:00:00 AM

I remember when a 2Mb/s ADSL connection was called future proofing, but you need to remember a lot of businesses at that time were still using 64Kb/s ISDN lines. In the technical world there are so many aspects that change constantly and put more pressure on IT Directors and Managers. From the speed of a computer (Moore’s Law), to internet bandwidth and even protocols (IPv6) - change is the only...

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Employees watch Wimbledon rather than work

Posted by Karen on Jul 1, 2011 12:00:00 AM

It would appear that as with last year’s World Cup, employees are once again tuning into live sports action over their company internet connection. As you can see from this traffic graph we are seeing surges across the core network links as traffic peaks in the afternoon this week as people catch up on Wimbledon over iPlayer. Probably just a taster as to what our industry can expect next year...

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Another dimension to disaster recovery (FD 3G)

Posted by Karen on Jun 13, 2011 12:00:00 AM

Fluidata have expanded our product portfolio of late to reach outside the confines of the office, Fluidata are now offering 3G for your mobile working needs. Our new Remote 3G offering brings another dimension to disaster recovery and network control, enabling workers to communicate with each other within a centralised network without the tedious and unstable VPN link. One of the main benefits...

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Defining an SLA

Posted by Karen on Jun 10, 2011 12:00:00 AM

In the business world, network redundancy has been high on the agenda post 9/11. We’re in an age where businesses are increasingly reliant upon technology to underpin their day to day operation; prolonged network failures are more costly than ever before. One common indicator of a connection’s reliability and resilience is the SLA, and in particular - the uptime guarantee. SLA’s are a useful...

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CTI Football Tournament

Posted by Karen on Jun 9, 2011 12:00:00 AM

Fluidata are proud to announce that yesterday evening we were crowned champions of the annual CTI football tournament. The 5 –a side tournament, held at Wimbledon Goals, is an industry event including the likes of BT, Avaya, I-Cap and CTI. Fluidata turned in a string of comprehensive victories to finish the tournament unbeaten, and lift the trophy for the first time. It was particularly...

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Time to review your security policy

Posted by Karen on Jun 2, 2011 12:00:00 AM

We all know that social media is rapidly changing the way we live, work and play. In business, its power to interact with clients and prospects in a live, dynamic and more “off the cuff” manner is being embraced by everyone from the vibrant tech start up’s in Hoxton to your more traditional accountancy and legal firms. Social Media is fast replacing traditional means of corporate communication....

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EFM provides options for business

Posted by Karen on Jun 1, 2011 12:00:00 AM

Fluidata provide for a wide range of clients - from small tech start up’s to large enterprise organisations. Over the last 5 years we’ve helped hundreds of these organisations achieve fast, reliable, low contended internet utilising lower cost DSL based technologies. New developments in the connectivity market - most notably the advent of EFM and FTTC products, are now providing Fluidata the...

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