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Video Conferencing into the office

Posted by Karen on Mar 8, 2010 12:00:00 AM

Communication has always been a key tool for businesses, so with the invention of the internet and email the way in which the business world worked changed dramatically. Suddenly anywhere on the globe both individuals and organisations could connect with others with speed and ease. Although this development brought everyone closer together this could never replace the true value gained in...

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What about the telecoms?

Posted by Karen on Feb 28, 2010 12:00:00 AM

Office relocations tend to be demanding tasks and for most companies involve a high degree of thought and planning. IT and Telecommunications are increasingly integral to business operations and no doubt form a substantial part of a companies moving checklist. However, from my experience at Fluidata, it seems relatively few investigate the access to internet connectivity they will have at...

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UK Broadband slower than Romania

Posted by Karen on Feb 14, 2010 12:00:00 AM

UK has dropped one place to 26th in global broadband race with an average download speed of 3.5Mbps according to the Akamai's ‘The State of the Internet (Q3-2009)’ report with Sweden in 5th place from European countries and South Korea sitting pretty as the fastest broadband in the world with an average speed of 14.8Mbps. Why such highly unflattering results then for a country with a reputation...

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It’s not all about headline speeds

Posted by Karen on Feb 8, 2010 12:00:00 AM

I recently handled an enquiry with a prospect whose VC system was being let down by its underlying internet connection. The connection in place was a cheap Annex-M (O2) solution, the problem an unsatisfactory upstream data transfer rate that was fluctuating between 0.8 Mb/s and 1.3 Mb/s and accompanied by high jitter. His incumbent provider had informed him that with his line length too long for...

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‘Snow’ one getting into work?

Posted by Karen on Jan 13, 2010 12:00:00 AM

During the last four weeks heavy snowfall across the UK has caused havoc to Britain’s brittle transport infrastructure and subsequently disrupted business activity to the tune of 230 million pounds per day. For any of you who follow Fluidata MD Piers Daniell’s weekly blog (I’m sure there are a couple of you somewhere) you may recall an entry in the wake of last year’s bout of extreme weather...

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More space being built

Posted by Karen on Dec 27, 2009 12:00:00 AM

The Telefonica network which provides Fluidata with many of its flagship products such as BURST and Vox 2.0 is currently facing provisioning issues with a number of their exchanges. As many of you will be aware Fluidata is now operating the wholesale channel on this network, as a result of increased demand through the channel, coupled with the continued success of these products on the direct...

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Scandinavia’s broadband ambitions

Posted by Karen on Dec 20, 2009 12:00:00 AM

A survey recently showed that Scandinavian countries are ranked among the top ten countries in terms of the quality and reach of their networks. On October 16, Finland made Internet services a legal right when it announced that all citizens are legally entitled to a minimum internet connection of 1 Mb/s. This should be ready for July next year. The goal, however, is for 100 Mb/s lines to be...

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3 Centro secures ‘Secured By Design’ Award

Posted by Karen on Nov 22, 2009 12:00:00 AM

Fluidata’s flagship datacentre has been awarded the much coveted UK Police Flagship ‘Secured by Design’ certification. The certification has the backing of The Home Office and recognises 3 Centro's focus on crime prevention at the design and the high standards of security it promotes overall. Features such as 3m security fences, blast proof windows, IRIS scanners and computer controlled motion...

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Everything goes IP

Posted by Karen on Oct 25, 2009 12:00:00 AM

The Internet has become an essential component of our working lives over the last 15 years. It’s hard to imagine communication without recourse to email, research without access to the web, even lunchtime without Facebook is becoming a distant memory. In recent years the internet has started to be harnessed for more wide ranging purposes; from file sharing and VPN access to phone calls, data, and...

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What's in contention?

Posted by Karen on Oct 25, 2009 12:00:00 AM

In the UK, contention ratios have increasingly become a topic of conversation and interest for many in the IT industry. The term contention ratio refers to the maximum number of other users you could share your bandwidth at any one time. This is important especially for businesses as the more users you share your line with the more unstable and unreliable your line will be. Contention is normally...

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