Connecting Businesses

Posted by Karen on Apr 4, 2014 12:00:00 AM
As Fluidata begins the start of a new financial year, we continue to recognise the importance and benefits of true business grade Internet connectivity for SME’s supported by the benefit of the SuperConnected Cities Connection Vouchers Scheme. The importance in ensuring all our existing customers and live prospects are aware of the Connected Cities voucher scheme cannot be under estimated. Not only due to the significant business benefits of business grade connectivity, but also due to the Connection Voucher Scheme expiring by 2015. The scheme allows SME’s to apply for a voucher worth up to £3,000 towards the installation costs of a new connection, giving businesses the chance to benefit from next level connectivity which may have previously been cost prohibitive due to often excessive installation costs. Now sought after business grade connectivity’s such as Fibre Leased Lines, EFM, FTTC & FTTP are being made available to smaller budgets. about how to patent something here Fluidata’s unique position within the market as a multiple network aggregator will allow customers to come to an informed decision based specifically on their own requirements, geographical location, business specific applications, and of course the chosen carrier and cost. All customers benefit from 24/7 support and a dedicated account manager to make the procedure as smooth as possible. I would also actively encourage all landlords, serviced office companies and multi-tenancy office developments to pool multiple vouchers together; this provides opportunity for all the individual businesses that occupy a single building to make the most of this short-term opportunity for improving your connection during this financial year. All 22 cities are now open and taking applications, the cities are; Aberdeen, Belfast, Birmingham, Bradford, Brighton and Hove, Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff, Coventry, Derby, Derry/Londonderry, Edinburgh, Leeds, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Newport, Oxford, Perth, Portsmouth, Salford and York. One of the first cities to receive and report back on the scheme was Belfast. The Belfast Telegraph mentions;  “Twenty businesses in Belfast have reported a rise in turnover – some by as much as a quarter of a million pounds – in just a month after the installation of a super-fast broadband connection….”

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