As technology becomes more and more pervasive in all parts of society; playing an integral part in how we work rest and play, Hotels wanting to keep ahead of the curve have become keen adopters of the latest hi-tech technology.
One of the biggest issues when it comes to the global digital divide is the cost of technology, as developing countries struggle to afford installing telecommunications hardware while residents see Internet access as a luxury. This is why Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently announced his plans for a “911 Internet” – an Internet that would be completely free to use by those in developing...
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Previously on Fluidata’s blog we wrote about the Internet of Things and how in the future nearly every device we own will be connected to an online network. There are certain benefits to this type of system such as the fact that menial tasks will be dealt with automatically and efficiently, however at the same time there are concerns that if the system is compromised whole towns and cities could...
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Calling 911: Can Facebook reduce the Digital Divide in Developing Countries?
There is a group of four developing countries which are referred to as ‘BRIC’ that experts believe are starting to move from developing countries to countries which will have strong economies in the near future. These countries are Brazil, India, Russia and China, and each of these countries has been a high priority for technology companies over the past few years. Even though there have been...
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These days even small businesses are starting to benefit from managed hosting as not only does it help them save money but also ensures their data is secure at all times. However, large companies have been using this form of technology for years in order to expand their businesses and stay one step ahead of their competitors.
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Shockwaves were sent through the online world last week as a new bug was uncovered, aptly named ‘Shellshock’. According to reports, nearly five hundred million computers have already been affected, which is why some are claiming that this new form of malware is worse than the Heartbleed bug discovered back in April which enabled hackers to gain access to millions of users’ passwords across the...
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Improving Internet speeds across the UK is proving to be a longwinded process as certain companies are currently monopolising the market and failing to provide their customers with adequate services. BT in particular has been criticised for providing sub-standard Internet speeds, which is why the regulatory body Ofcom has recently launched an investigation into the ISP.
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Since Apple’s iCloud was hacked and certain users’ personal information was leaked online a number of users and business owners have become concerned over the security of cloud based products. This is one of the reasons why Apple’s CEO Tim Cook was quick to claim that the hacks had not been system-wide and that users’ data was safe, however he added: “When I step back from this terrible scenario...
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With an increasing amount of cybercriminals attacking large organisations, banks in particular have been warned that they need to do more to protect both themselves and their customers. Over the past few years a number of consumers have been switching to paperless banking by utilising websites and Apps in order to look after their finances.
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Fluidata has spent years developing solutions that enable high speed Internet connections to both businesses and those that have previously had slow connection speeds due to rural broadband issues. Our Service Exchange Platform (SEP) was awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation 2014 due to its ability to deliver high speed Internet connections to businesses and those who offer...
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