Tuesday 12 th August, 2014, has been marked as “512KDay”, the day the global Internet broke under its own weight. The Internet has been growing at a vast rate and 512K routes have always been noted as a significant number of routes on the routing table. On Tuesday 12 th August, 2014, the 512K mark was passed. Why 512K? 512K (or to be exact 524,288 or 2-to-the-19 th power), is the maximum number...
512K Day; the day the global Internet broke under its own weight.
Topic News

Bitcoin: What is it and how does it interact with Networks?
What is Bitcoin? Some have summarised it as the first decentralised digital currency, others the most simplistic way for online transactions to be carried out. Then there are those that have gone so far as to claim that it’s the future of our financial platform to which we will purchase goods online.
Topic News

Individuals and businesses tend to be the main targets of cyberattacks in the West, particularly those that hold data such as financial details which can be used by cybercriminals. However, recent reports have suggested that hackers are now targeting healthcare providers in the US, including Community Health Systems.
Topic News

Last Tuesday BT formally notified UK ISP’s on the extent of problems impacting current and future fibre leased line provisioning, as well as their plans to recover the situation. The endemic problems plaguing BT Openreach (BTOR); principally centred around a lack of planning and field based engineer resource, and issues with third party contractors (which have been heavily outsourced to) have...
Topic News

Not content with being one of the biggest search engines in the world, Google is branching out into new sectors including autonomous vehicles and Fibre Internet and TV services. Already, the company is offering their Fibre services to those that live in and around the Kansas area, however recent reports have shown that they are now looking to take on a much larger project.
Topic News

When it comes to Internet censorship there are generally two contrasting opinions: some believe that it is necessary in order to protect nations and stop individuals posting harmful material online, while others believe that the Internet should be open and that there should be little or no restrictions. Governments in particular often have the first opinion when it comes to Internet censorship,...
Topic News

For a while now, there have been sources stating Google have been exploring the option of building their own connectivity network in the UK; similar to what they have built for Google Fiber in Kansas City, Austin and Provo in the US. The Google Fiber infrastructure was built to underpin HD television, it also allows enough bandwidth and scale to support 4K; a video technology that is four times...
Topic News

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is the most popular Internet browser in the world, however over the years it has lost a number of users to competitors such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera. Unfortunately, Microsoft has not been able to keep up when it comes to plugins and features for Internet Explorer, and recent news has also suggested that it is also more prone to hackers than any other...
Topic News

Customer service: it’s something that has previously just been associated with businesses that offer personal services to customers; however over the years it has become increasingly important for businesses in the technology sector. It is important that companies understand the importance of customer service when it comes to expanding their businesses and encouraging client retention. However,...
Topic News

The National Business Awards are celebrating the 13 th year of their ceremony and have built a strong presence in the awards industry as an event that showcases some of the best businesses in the country, regardless of size or industry. This year’s shortlisted businesses are diverse as retail, technology, men’s grooming products, telecoms, construction, advertising, entertainment, and publishing.
Topic News