The Internet of Things is now a reality

Posted by Karen on Mar 10, 2014 12:00:00 AM

Since its creation back in the 1960’s, the Internet has always been about enabling rapid communication between people. Yes, it was technology that enabled that communication, but people were the driving force behind it. Kevin Ashton, the first person to use the phrase ‘Internet of Things’ (back in 1999), coined the term to define the shift from human-dependent information, to information captured...

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Fluidata is awarded as a Best Company to Work For

Posted by Karen on Feb 27, 2014 12:00:00 AM

There is a great atmosphere in the office following last night’s The Sunday Times’ 100 Best Companies to Work For awards night. We are very excited to announce we are placed at 42 in the top 100 list for small companies. It is a great privilege to be placed so highly on the list in our first year participating. The list measures a number of factors including: workplace engagement; employee...

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Sochi, the Data Games

Posted by Karen on Feb 21, 2014 12:00:00 AM

This year’s Winter Olympics are harnessing Omega technology used in Formula One to transmit data directly from bobsleighs racing to the finish line, including information on speed, G-force and vertical track positioning. This utilisation of technology has made the 2014 Sochi Games the most technologically advanced Games in history. According to Peter Hurzeler of Omega these units were initially...

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Competition in fibre

Posted by Karen on Feb 17, 2014 12:00:00 AM

Last week I moved into a new flat in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park village in Stratford. By working within the industry for over 4 years I knew a pain and delay for installation awaited me. To my surprise I had a pleasant experience with my connectivity, compared to others who have recently moved into new build properties, such my MD, Piers Daniell, who moved into his flat to find a standard...

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Hacking and security, are you prepared for 2014?

Posted by Karen on Feb 5, 2014 12:00:00 AM

It was mentioned last year was the worst year for data security being hacked. Is it true? The American Online Trust Alliance announced they estimated that over 740 million online records were exposed in 2013. Firstly consider Adobe, 150 million exposed account credentials were exposed, leading to secondary breaches all over the Internet. In an official statement, research revealed that more...

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How The Wolf of Wall Street helped to change internet laws

Posted by Karen on Jan 31, 2014 12:00:00 AM

The Wolf of Wall Street is the riotous new film by Martin Scorsese. It features Leonardo Di Caprio as Jordan Belfort; a real life stock broker who during the 1990’s made almost a million dollars week while at the helm Stratton Oakmont; a brokerage house that engaged in fraudulent and illegal practices. Anyone who has seen the film, or read Belfort’s memoir, will know that Scorsese and Di Caprio...

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The year ahead in Broadband, Cloud and BYOD

Posted by Karen on Jan 8, 2014 12:00:00 AM

As is quite often the case in the world of technology, the year ahead will be full of change in terms of popular services and applications, and especially so for businesses. The UK is currently in the midst of one of the most dramatic Government-led infrastructure projects for decades. BDUK’s allocation of circa £530 million of funding to ensure 90% of UK premises have access to a minimum...

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Year in Review

Posted by Karen on Dec 31, 2013 12:00:00 AM

Upon reflection, 2013, feels less of a momentous year than previous ones, both inside and outside of our industry. It wasn't sprinkled with the added piquancy a London Olympics brings, it wasn't a year of new products launches or technologies. The 'cloud' continued to gather pace, to a point where it has now entered the mainstream. 'Big Data' and the 'Internet of things' progressed from new...

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Shake Hands with the Future: UIs Go Atomic

Posted by Karen on Dec 10, 2013 12:00:00 AM

Arguably, the user interfaces of the future will be defined by the physical limitations of the screen. Creating a compelling user experience within a finite (and limited) space without compromising on usability is the perennial challenge for mobile device and TV manufacturers. But when witnessing the rise of the wearable technology trend, coupled with recently leaked pictures of the LG Flex’s...

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Core Network Freeze

Posted by Karen on Dec 9, 2013 12:00:00 AM

In recognition of reduced staffing levels across the industry over the Christmas period and network operators introducing network freezes, Fluidata will be conducting a network and provisioning freeze from 6pm, 16th December 2013 through to Thursday 2nd January 2014. Throughout this period please note that no core network configuration changes will be made. This is to ensure existing services...

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