40 Year Anniversary for another key internet technology

Posted by Karen on Jan 11, 2013 12:00:00 AM

As the previous article on the anniversary of TCP/IP alludes to, the dramatic development of information technology in the past half-century has left more than one person’s achievements forgotten. Until 1997 that was the case for Clifford Cocks, who (along with James Ellis and Malcolm Williamson) first developed the widely-used encryption protocol, now known as RSA. In order to enable machines...

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Internet is 30 years old

Posted by Karen on Jan 4, 2013 12:00:00 AM

The gravity of January 1 st 1983 continues to slip under the radar for most. Much like Danny Boyle’s nod to Tim Berners-Lee in the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics, or the work done by Bob Metcalfe in the development of Ethernet technology, the significance of “Flag Day” will be lost on those not familiar with the great breakthroughs made in the development of the Internet over the past...

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2012 Year in Review

Posted by Karen on Jan 3, 2013 12:00:00 AM

In many ways the late naughties and the early part of this decade (what are we calling this one by the way?) have been characterised by what’s wrong with this country: the recession, the riots, union strikes, press misdemeanours and expenses scandals. And while 2012 has not been bereft of such of problems, it has been punctuated by events – The Jubilee, The Olympics and the Paralympics - that to...

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Network upgrade complete

Posted by Karen on Dec 20, 2012 12:00:00 AM

Fluidata are delighted to announce that we have completed a £2.5 million upgrade on our network on time and on budget. After months of work and planning, it’s fantastic to have concluded this project and we can now start to deliver the benefits of the new network to our clients. What’s new? Well the network now operates a hybrid core of Juniper MX and Cisco ASR hardware; providing a switching...

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Digital Region set for upgrade

Posted by Karen on Nov 29, 2012 12:00:00 AM

Digital Region have announced that it is carrying out a phased network upgrade in which they are upgrading the cards in certain exchanges. This will enable customers to potentially receive higher than the 70 Mb/s download that is currently achievable using FTTC technology. This will differ per customer/copper connection as the usual copper caveats apply and it will all depend on what the...

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Superstorm Sandy impact on New York Internet Infrastructure

Posted by Karen on Nov 21, 2012 12:00:00 AM

During last month’s Supertsorm Sandy, New York datacentres, like so much of the city’s infrastructure, felt the havoc wreaking power of the storm’s brutal force. Datacentres are built with natural disasters in mind and the storm gave DC providers an unwelcome opportunity to put their backup systems to the test; the success these companies had at dealing with such forces of nature was mixed. ...

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Fluidata receive award at Sunday Times Tech Track dinner

Posted by Karen on Nov 14, 2012 12:00:00 AM

Last night we collected our award for being in this year’s Sunday Times Tech Track which saw us record growth of 48.9% putting us in the 73 rd position, only three less than the previous year. The ceremony and dinner were held at Southbank’s Vinopolis which included speeches from Warren East, CEO of ARM and Robin Klein a serial investor. So the only challenge now is to ensure we are still in the...

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Tomorrow’s supermarket just round the corner

Posted by Karen on Nov 12, 2012 12:00:00 AM

The biggest Chinese e-commerce retailer, Yihaodian, have announced their plans to launch 1,000 virtual supermarkets, with the first two opening in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. These supermarkets do not actually stock any products and to the naked eye the shelves remain empty. Using augmented reality technology, shoppers will be able to use their smartphone to see pictures of available groceries (of...

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The challenges of hardware procurement for an ISP

Posted by Karen on Nov 7, 2012 12:00:00 AM

The Internet connectivity market is an increasingly competitive place, in order to stay ahead of the pack Fluidata have always endeavoured to provide the best level of quality and service to our clients. The provision of fully in-house tech-supported hardware is a key foundation in our ability to successfully support all the lines we deliver. Sourcing that hardware though can present more...

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Shiny new Network Operations Centre

Posted by Karen on Oct 24, 2012 12:00:00 AM

This week sees the new Network Operations Centre in Hemel Hempstead go live, home to our own 24/7 support team. For the past two years the NOC has been based at the same site as one of our major datacentre presences outside of London, 3 Centro. The team had grown over the years and subsequently was too large for the modest office space. This upgrade stays in the same building but now takes up...

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